Morning Meeting Greeting Ideas

Morning Meeting Greeting Ideas. Have a student leader come to the front of the classroom. I definitely recommend a beach ball for any type of ball toss activity, but the small rubber recess balls work well when rolling is involved.

And so on until all students are greeted. For a morning meeting to be what it should be (FUN), it's best to take the heavy lifting out of it. This daily check-in usually occurs in a circle and involves saying "hello" in a greeting, sharing in a short discussion or answering a question, and participating in a quick activity.

Mix up the cards and have students each choose one.

Lightning scavenger hunts are a way to get remote teams up and moving in the morning.

Traffic, kids, spouses, bad weather, or forgotten lunch can make it difficult to hit the ground running. Students can emulate this to greet each other.. If you are meeting together consistently each morning, you are providing a safe space for your students to share and build a classroom community.

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Randy Hewes

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